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8 harsh lessons I learned AFTER I published my debut novel, Search for the Holy Whale

Why eight? Because it’s my favourite number

Many writers speak about the process of writing and publishing, and I’ll no doubt get to that in a later blog, but today I thought I’d share with you the top 8 harsh lessons I learned AFTER I published my debut novel and my tips on how to deal with them.

1. Your family and friends will probably NOT buy your book

Not only will they not buy it, but they probably won’t read it either. I know it’s a tough pill to swallow, but best to prepare yourself now.

This is a common complaint among authors.

Why don’t they buy it, or read it?

Maybe they don’t read, maybe they don’t read that particular genre, maybe they are too busy, or maybe they expect a copy for free. Either way it doesn’t matter, I’m sure they support you in other ways.

Tip–try not to take it personally, it’s not about you it’s about them. Ok, so I know you are still taking it personally, so my advice would be, if you want them to read it, ask them, if you want them to buy it, ask them, and if you want them to review it just ask them. It’s actually quite liberating once you pluck up the courage to ask, it frees you from your negative thoughts, and after that the ball really is in their court. I mean, they are not mind readers after all, are they?

Just ask!

2. You will need to promote yourself and your book.

No one is going to do it for you, so in the beginning, unless you can afford to pay someone to do it for you, you’ll have to toot your own horn, and put yourself out there on all sorts of social media platforms.

This is seriously uncomfortable for most authors. I’m an unknown, so for me it was super awkward asking people to buy my book and still is.

Tip–Ask friends and family to share pictures of your book on their social media platforms. Join a networking group and ask them to share your book for you, you’ll be less attached to the outcome, because they are business associates, and no doubt you’ll be asked to return the favour one day, which takes the pressure off. Organic marketing works well, but at some point you may consider paying for a little advertising to give you an extra boost.

3. You need reviews

Imagine having to ask for reviews? Can I just crawl into the nearest space right now? Well, you could look at it that having fewer reviews means less chance of critical reviews. I have heard some terrible stories of authors being slammed from pillar to post. But reality is, reviews are important and you need them. Also, the review process can be pretty tricky to navigate. Amazon, for example, won’t accept reviews unless a customer has an account with them and spends over a certain amount each year.

Tip—Again, just ask, but ask with no expectation. Make it easy for anyone that has read your book by sending them a template or sample of ideas with the links to your preferred review platform, or several links so they can choose which platform they prefer. Even better, ask that they leave a review on multiple platforms.

4. Not having an email list

You’ll need to build and grow your email list to market your book and future books, and connect with your audience. If you don’t have an email list, then who are you going to connect with and sell your book/s to? How will people remember you?

Often, new authors are starting from scratch with this and that’s ok, an email list can build quickly, or over time depending on what you do.

TipMake sure your website is up and running, you’ll be surprised how quickly your email list will build if you have a lead magnet or sign-up newsletter on your website. And if you connect with anyone on social media that is remotely interested in you or your book, ask for their email address as soon as it’s polite to do so, and get them into your email funnel.

5. Crushing imposter syndrome

For most writers, getting their book to the finish line is a massive accomplishment. The most competent and successful authors speak about their crushing negative feelings around their writing, and countless fears that they battle on a daily basis during the writing process. Putting your work into the world is a real leap of faith. For me, every time it feels like standing on the balcony naked.

And then, after your book is published there’s the agonising wait to see what people will think, which is worse. Maybe no one says anything, or no one is buying your book? You are getting no reviews, or bad reviews, and there is certainly no one patting you on the back saying ‘great job.’

Tip–Let it go, and get cracking on your next manuscript. Author and activist Glennon Doyle recommends completely detaching from your work once you’ve put it out into the world.

Easier said than done, but great advice.

6. You’ll have to learn most, if not all, the social media platforms

Seriously, it’s an endless cycle of learning. So many platforms to choose from. Should you be on all of them or not? Even if you’ve mastered all of them, who has an infinite amount of time to monitor each one and post regularly to each platform, so you are not forgotten?

Coming up with ideas of what to post takes you away from writing your next novel, but it’s crucial to your book marketing, and your brand. It all takes time and often for very little engagement and worst of all posting to complete silence.

Tip – Learn one platform at a time, master it and move on to the next. Always keep up to date with changes to each platform, as there are many. You’ll need to be super organised and schedule your posts. As soon as you can afford it, get a VA to handle your socials for you.

7. Errors in your book

We see errors in books all the time right, but when you see one in yours after all the hours of editing and proofreading it can come as quite a shock, and if you are a perfectionist then the blow is going to be a double one. The print has been run and your book is out there in the world and there’s no calling it back.

Tip – Go easy on yourself. Remind yourself that the most famous books in the world contain errors and make a note to fix it as soon as possible.

8. Managing other people’s expectations

So, you’ve written a book, and apparently, you’re going to be famous, and you’ll be taking your friends to a red carpet event and shouting them dinner.

On top of that you’re expected to whip up another book in a matter of months. Well, if you work full time like me, that’s just not going to happen.

Friend: “Are you rich and famous yet?”

Me: “Ah no, maybe if you bought my book and told your friends about it, and left me a review I might be.”

Ha ha!

Tip—Run your own race and keep dreaming of that red carpet moment. You’ve got this!

Interested in learing more about my debut novel Search for the Holy Whale? Go here